
Rachel Kent

About Rachel

Rachel Kent has been an agent with Books & Such since 2007. Rachel started at Books & Such as a summer intern while she was attending U.C. Davis and then, after graduating, worked part-time at the agency as an assistant. Her favorite part of the job was reading a manuscript and providing an author with feedback to help him or her to improve the project.

She graduated from Davis in three years with a bachelor’s degree in English and minors in both religious studies and psychology.

Rachel has more than ten years of experience and training working closely with Janet Kobobel Grant and Wendy Lawton, as well as part-time with author Robin Jones Gunn in creating marketing materials and promotional ideas to keep Robin connected with her readers. Through Rachel’s work at the agency and with authors, she has gained an understanding of the publishing process, contract negotiation, and what it takes to successfully write and market a book.

Rachel’s goal is to develop strong relationships with her authors and to help them to develop lasting relationships with their editors and publishers. Good relationships have always been important to her. She likes to stick by people. She believes that as long as two people are dedicated toward working together, the relationship can work, and they can accomplish the task at hand.

Rachel acquires fiction and nonfiction projects with a special interest in YA, 20-something and 30-something projects and teen nonfiction.

She lives with her husband and family in Northern California.

Query Instructions

Books & Such will accept e-mail queries for the following genres:

-Adult fiction and nonfiction.
-Teen and young adult fiction and nonfiction.
-Middle grade fiction and nonfiction.

We do not accept e-mail queries with attachments, or unsolicited phone or postal mail queries.

When submitting a query, please follow these guidelines:

Limit your query to the equivalent of one page.

Write a brief description of what your project is about (one succinct paragraph). Include the genre and subject of your manuscript, its unique elements, and target audience.

Highlight your vision for marketing your book, your writing experience, the name of the person (if any) who referred you to Books & Such, and whether you’re currently submitting your query to other agents.

If we’re interested in seeing more of your work, we’ll ask you to send the following as an email attachment:

For a novel (including young adult novels)

  • a synopsis (5-6 pages double-spaced) in which you tell us the basic plot and introduce us to your main characters.
  • the first three chapters (approximately 50 pages of the work).
  • your biography, with an emphasis on your qualifications for writing the manuscript and how you can help to market it.

For a nonfiction manuscript

  • a proposal, detailing the audience for your work, why you believe the work will attract significant readership, what current titles would compete with your book for readers, how you can help to market the book, and ideas on how a series could be developed, if applicable.
  • a chapter outline in which you write a paragraph description of each chapter.
  • your biography.
  • the first three chapters (approximately 50 pages of the work).
We do not accept submissions via the postal service.


52 Mission Circle
Suite 122, PMB 170
Santa Rosa, CA 95409

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