
Maura Kye-Casella

About Maura

In 2001, Maura traded in her legal briefcase for a manuscript bag and joined the Denise Marcil Literary Agency.  In 2008, Maura became an agent with Don Congdon Associates.  Maura represents writers of narrative non-fiction, women's fiction, young adult, middle grade, self-help and cookbooks and is seeking literary works, women's fiction, multicultural voices, and any well-written novels with quirky characters and/or unique plots and settings.  She's especially interested in works for both the young adult and middle grade markets.  As to non-fiction, Maura is seeking books on popular science (especially space), pop culture, lifestyle, sports, and fun/interesting works that fall into the humor category.

Query Instructions

We are currently accepting queries from new and established authors via the query agent button.  A query letter consists of a one-page description or synopsis of your work and your relevant background information.  We ask that you paste the first chapter into the body of your email following your query letter. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

You must include the word “Query” and the agent’s full name in your subject heading.  Please include your query, sample chapter, your full name, and complete email address in the body of the email, as we do not open unsolicited attachments for security reasons.

Please query only one agent within the agency at a time. 


110 William St.
Suite 2202
New York, NY 10038

Phone Number