
Leslie Zampetti

About Leslie

Leslie joined Dunham Literary in June 2016. Previously, she was an intern for The Bent Agency.

A former librarian with over 20 years’ experience in special, public, and school libraries, Leslie has cataloged rocket launch videos and Lego rocket ship models, presented SEC documents and story times, and negotiated with organizations from Lexis-Nexis to the PTA. Her experience as a librarian has given her a distinct perspective on publishing and readers. A writer herself, Leslie is very familiar with querying from both sides of the desk.

Leslie graduated from Wake Forest University with a degree in English and has a Master’s of Library and Information Science degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
She is available to speak at conferences.


For children’s books, Leslie seeks middle grade and young adult novels, especially mystery and contemporary. Historical fiction set in the recent past, novels in verse, and off-the-beaten path romances are on her wish list. For picture books, Leslie wants unusual true tales, biographies of unsung heroes and heroines, or stories that show everyday diversity to mirror under-represented readers and open windows to others. She is drawn to books about Florida, baseball, and kids with book smarts and big hearts.
For adult fiction, Leslie is interested in literary mysteries, upmarket romance and women’s fiction, and historical fiction from lesser-known eras and places. For nonfiction, Leslie finds narrative nonfiction that straddles the boundaries between crime, memoir, and literature especially appealing. An armchair adventurer, Leslie enjoys experiencing wild places and extreme challenges from the comfort of her chair.

Query Instructions

Dunham Literary accepts query letters by regular mail and by email using the query agent button (but not by phone or fax). After receiving a query letter, we request any and all projects that might be right for us.

Please choose one agent to query; we do share projects when we feel they would be a better fit for another agent here.

If you send a query letter by regular mail and would like a response, please enclose the customary self-addressed, stamped envelope. We only respond when provided an envelope that is pre-stamped and pre-addressed.

Please paste the query letter and the first five pages in the body of the email. We do not open attachments.

Please do not send full manuscripts unless they are requested by us after receiving your query letter. It generally takes no more than four weeks from the time we receive query letters to read and respond to them.

Please do not send query letters by fax. Please do not call to talk about your project on the phone.


110 William Street
Suite 2202
New York, NY 10038

Phone Number

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