
Katie Grimm

About Katie

Katie joined Don Congdon Associates in 2007. She represents vivid literary fiction (be it voicey, historical, speculative, or mysterious), up-market women’s fiction, cohesive short story collections, and graphic novels. In young adult, she loves compelling and heartbreaking contemporary novels and speculative high-concepts rooted in science and history. In middle grade, she enjoys novels with a heartfelt, timeless quality, and stories that explore the magic of our world or those imagined. For non-fiction, she is looking for memoirs and narratives that explore greater social issues, dark and weird times in human history, the personal impact of science, and any off-beat topic explored through an academic lens. Across all genres, she’s looking for books with a heartbeat, and she’ll always be interested in previously under- or misrepresented experiences and stories that contribute to a larger cultural conversation. She is also a member of SCBWI.

Query Instructions

We are currently accepting queries from new and established authors via the query agent button.  A query letter consists of a one-page description or synopsis of your work and your relevant background information.  We ask that you paste the first chapter into the body of your email following your query letter. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts.

You must include the word “Query” and the agent’s full name in your subject heading.  Please include your query, sample chapter, your full name, and complete email address in the body of the email, as we do not open unsolicited attachments for security reasons.

Please query only one agent within the agency at a time. 


110 William St.
Suite 2202
New York, NY 10038

Phone Number