About Danny
Danny Baror is president of Baror International, Inc. Having been in the business for more than 30 years, Danny has conducted business via telex many years ago, to the instantaneous email that is today’s world. He saw publishing expand from an exclusively print world to a vast universe of digital storytelling, offering many unique opportunities for authors and publishers. He looks forward to seeing what medium the next decade will bring...
One of the things that makes Danny different is that he rarely uses subagents. Instead, he works directly with publishers in each country. This means that he is the sole guardian of each author's foreign presence, creating a unified submission and publication process.
Danny’s work ethic, aggressiveness, and won't-take-no-for-an-answer attitude is unheard of among the old-guard foreign agents. He gets books into the hands of foreign editors; follows up these submissions tenaciously; creates buzz and excitement for his clients; then negotiates with a fervor that has never been seen before in the traditionally restrained world of foreign rights.