
Chris Calhoun

About Chris

Chris Calhoun founded the literary agency in 2011 after departing Sterling Lord Literistic, where he was a partner and vice president for nineteen years. In addition to representing some of America's most prominent journalists, critics, historians, poets, and novelists, his agency also places author's papers and rare manuscripts with libraries and institutions. His client list includes regular contributors to The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times, and many other publications. 

Agency authors have been winners of the National Book Award, The National Book Critics Circle Award, The Pulitzer Prize, and other honors. Recent archival sales have been to Yale University (Beinecke), The Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas, and The New York Public Library.

Query Instructions

Queries are only accepted by email. The subject line should read: Query: Your Book Title. Please send a letter with a synopsis of the work, a brief bio along with the first three chapters to:  submissions@chriscalhounagency.com.

Chris Calhoun Agency does not represent the following categories:

Self-Help / Health & Fitness / How-To


Young Adult, Middle Grade, or Children's

Thrillers / Suspense


Romance / Erotica

We do not accept queries over the phone.  Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to respond to all queries.


71 West 23rd St
Suite 1600
New York, NY 10010

Phone Number