
Betsy Lerner

About Betsy

Betsy Lerner worked as an editor for 16 years before becoming an agent. She mostly works with non-fiction writers in the areas of science, psychology, history, cultural studies, biography, current events, and memoir. Lerner was the recipient of the Tony Godwin Publishing Prize. She holds an MFA from Columbia University and is the author of Food & Loathing, The Bridge Ladies, and The Forest for the Trees: An Editor's Advice to Writers.

Query Instructions

Query letters preferred by using the query agent button. Below your query letter, please paste the first ten pages of your manuscript. Please do not send attachments. Due to the volume of inquiries the agency receives, we are unable to respond to all emailed queries. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience .

Query letters are also welcome by mail.. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Should you like your materials returned, please include adequate postage.


27 W. 20th St.
Suite 1107
New York, NY 10011