
Becky LeJeune

About Becky

Becky met Sandra at the Denver Publishing Institute when she was a student there in 2007. After DPI, she spent 2 years working as the managing editor for a cookbook imprint, and then 5 years as an acquisitions editor at The History Press before joining Sandra at BLA in 2014.   

Query Instructions

Becky is interested in adult and teen general fiction, horror, mystery/thriller, historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy.

To send your query,  please email addressed to Becky. Include your query letter in the body of the email—no attachments— if you are certain your book is appropriate for us. If you're querying about a novel, please include the FIRST 5 PAGES IN THE BODY OF YOUR EMAIL (no attachments). If querying about nonfiction, your query letter should provide enough information about the project and your credentials for us determine if we want to see your book proposal. Please have your book proposal ready—if interested, we will ask to see it. 


Due to the volume of email queries we receive every day, we will do our best to respond to each one. Please know, if we're interested in considering your book, we will contact you! If it's not the right book for us, it's possible we might not be able to respond. We apologize profusely if we’re not able to get back to you.



201 Milwaukee Street
Ste 200
Denver, CO 80206

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